Ron Popeil was a legend in the informercial space. In fact, the title of this very blog is an homage to him. Ron was an inventor, salesman, and a natural on television. One of his most famous inventions—the Showtime Rotisserie Oven—could easily slow cook just about anything. “Set it and forget it!”, he’d say as he demonstrated his product. You may remember his adoring studio audience repeating the catch phrase with him. You may also remember that in these informercials, as the sales pitch carried on, just when you thought the deal couldn’t get any better, there was always another bonus.“But wait! There’s more!” Ron would announce.
Last month, we talked about SETTING goals. But wait! There’s more!
While setting goals is a hugely important step to your best life, the execution—or implementation—of those goals is where the real fun (and work) begins.
The word implementation is often used in professional operations and, admittedly, is a bit jargon-y. But, I LOVE the word. There’s so much to it!
Let’s open our desk Webster:
implementation (impləmənˈtāSH(ə)n/) noun
the process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution
Now, I want you to hone in on our power words in that definition: PROCESS. DECISION. EXECUTION.
Implementing your goals is a process—it’s a journey. Each step builds on the last. It takes time, tenacity, and the right tools. The good news? You already have all those things! Prioritizing your goals is simply time management. Check. You’ve already shown tenacity in putting your goals on paper. Check. And yes, the right tools are paramount.
So…what’s in your tool box? That is, what are your key strengths that will help you achieve your goals? What resources and skills (that you already have!) can you make better use of? We’re all gifted in different ways. Are you a secret wordsmith or orator? Are you a creative who enjoys thinking outside-the-box? Are you inspirational? An empath? It’s time to put pen to paper again. Just two columns: ‘My Skills’ and ‘How Does This Skill Get Me Closer To My Goal’. Whatever your particular gifts are…use them!
As with any journey, it's important not to get bogged down with the big picture. Focus on the tiny parts that make up the whole. In fact, the whole reason we can focus on the minutiae is because we already made a big decision (our next power word). You pinpointed what you want your future to look like. You’re zeroed-in on a goal. Life changing decisions are hard. Be proud, my friends.
Finally…the execution of your plan. In carpentry, one mantra is: measure twice; cut once. There are two reasons why. The first is to avoid mistakes, sure. But the second, and more important reason is confidence. In a way, taking a saw to lumber takes chutzpah. So does setting and implementing lofty goals! Proper preparation is key. Again though, that’s where the decision-making and the proper process come into play. You’re on the right path. Stay confident and focused.
I promise you can do this. And we've got your back. At Kathy Merchant Coaching, we’ll take you from goal-setting to goal-getting. Because in your best life…just wait…there’s more!