There’s an adage we all know: work to live; don’t live to work.
7 out of 10 people say that work-life balance is important to them. Guess what? Work
life balance takes…work! Having a successful career is a bit like swimming in the ocean. If you
aren’t mindful, the sea of success can pull your entire being under. Instead, you have to
intentionally keep your head above water, breathing the fresh air that is the life half of the work-life balance.
What makes a life worth living? What makes a well-rounded life? Friends and family, service
and spirituality, passions and pursuits, health and happiness.
One way to get there is by filing your leisure time with activities of purpose. In other words, a
hobby. First things first, ask yourself—what interests you? (No work-related answers allowed!)
Start BIG and work your way smaller.
Outdoors? The Arts? Sports? Animals? Crafts? Politics?
And then break it down.
If it’s ‘the outdoors’ that speaks to you, then maybe consider gardening. And if it’s gardening
then maybe it’s vegetable gardening, or a rock garden, or a rose garden.
If it’s ‘the arts’ that’s calling your name, let’s look at the medium. Paint? Music? Clay? And it’s
music: is there an instrument you want to learn? Or one that’s laying about your house feeling
And just like that you’re done with step one in the hobby pursuit: pick something.
Now, it’s time to set yourself up for success. Gather what you need—probably just the right
tools and the space to use them. A word of advice: don’t overdo it at first. Don’t buy every
sized paint brush, a top-of-the-line acoustic guitar, a roto-tiller, or an industrial-grade kiln. As
you grow in your new pursuit, leave room to reward yourself with bigger and better ‘toys’.
Make a plan next. Schedule a regular time and place, away from distractions (and work!), that
you can focus on exploration and education. Be flexible but consistent. If your regular time is
interrupted by a phone call from an old friend, immediately reschedule with yourself. A hobby
needs to fit IN to your life not on top of it.
As with so many things in life, accountability is a key to success. That pesky little voice inside
our heads can talk us OUT of just about anything. If you can, bring someone along on this
journey with you. You don’t have to be side-by-side throughout the learning process, but it’s
nice to know that someone is struggling with the same ‘firsts’ that you are. And, more
importantly, you’ll have a built-in someone to regularly ask about your progress.
Finally, celebrate your successes! Post on social media. Send a picture on one of your text
chains. Talk about it over drinks. This isn’t prideful or ego-driven…it’s inspirational. Seeing your
joy will encourage others to pursue their avocations.
You’re obviously a do-er. The fact that you’re here reading this puts you in the upper echelon of
folks working towards a fulfilling and balanced life. Sure, learning something new is a
challenge. But, we’re built for challenges! It’s as easy as…
1. Pick a hobby
2. Get what you need
3. Make a plan
4. Find someone to keep you honest
5. Share your successes
And when you share those successes, please share with me! Hearing about the wins in the
lives of like-minded, goal-setting fireballs like you makes my day.
